West Coast Villa
Fixing Leaks and Guttering on a Parapet Roof
- Date: October 2018
- Client: Private Client Villa
- Partner: Meta Construction Inc
- Project Type: AquaLoc Waterproofing
About this Project
The owner of a private house on the West Coast of Barbados called us to report a problem with ongoing leaks in the front bedroom and to the rear of the house. These leaks had been previously looked at by other contractors, but the works applied seemed to be mainly cosmetic and did not address the source of the problem.
When we arrived on site, we found that several of the Permaclad sheets on the roof were rusted and the fittings loose, plus the seams where the gutters met the flashing was filled with a material that was deteriorating under the onslaught of the hot West Coast sun.
The parapets and guttering were in a much-dilapidated state and there was a leaking hot water pipe connected to the solar panels, which while not our purview, still need fixing (luckily, we have many reputable associates that we can call in to address these types of issues).
Only the Permclad roofing sheets rusted beyond repair were completely replaced. Those that were still deemed potentially viable, were retained to minimise on the additional cost. The fasteners for all the sheets on the entire roof were then checked and re-placed where necessary.
The parapets & roof were then power washed to prepare the surfaces; removing grit and dirt particles that could adversely affect any new sealants applied, plus also exposing any cracks that might have gone undetected under the grime. This had to be done with extreme care so as not to further damage the existing surfaces.
The seams and cracks in the concrete parts of the roof were then filled with high-performance caulk and scrim was applied to all the gutters and compromised areas in the parapets (scrim is a woven cloth that provides reinforcing to a structure and any subsequently applied coating).
A silicone membrane was then applied to the parapet, the horizontal gutters and all the apertures to the exterior drain (down) pipes, providing a seamless and waterproof barrier to all the covered areas.
The silicone is slippery when wet, so for safety and increased traction, we covered this with a layer of roofing granules.
A Satisfied Client
To date, there are no further leaks and the client was thrilled with our workmanship and professional approach to the job.